Author Archive: Bulletin Editor 2


St. Mary’s High School, Midleton Commencing Sunday February 9th, ALSO Tuesday 11th, Wed. 12th and Thurs. 13th. Tickets will be on SALE Monday 27th January @ The Main Office. Buy your tickets early to avoid disappointment.

Liturgy as a Source of Life

As the work of Christ liturgy is also an action of his Church. It makes the Church present and manifests her as the visible sign of communion in Christ between God and men. It engages the faithful in the new…
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Marymount Collections

The two collections at Hurley’s SuperValu and Market Green taken up before Christmas totalled €2,769.00. Many thanks to all involved in the donations on both days.

Family Rosary

Family Rosary will take place this Sunday 19th at 6.30pm Holy Rosary Church. Rosary, Gospel reflection and hymns. All welcome especially young people and families.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

“They showed us unusual kindness” is the theme chosen for 2020. The initial work was prepared by members of the Christian Churches in Malta and finalised by The Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches and The…
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Sacrament of Confirmation

Enrolment Mass for Confirmation Candidates will be celebrated on Wednesday, 22nd January, in Holy Rosary Church at 7.30pm. Further details will be given to candidates in class. Each candidate must be accompanied by at least one parent, guardian or other…
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Lourdes Diocesan Mass

The annual Lourdes Diocesan Mass will be celebrated in St. Colman’s Church, Macroom, on Tuesday 11th February, at 7.30pm. * All are welcome to attend. Bus leaving the Courthouse, Midleton at 6.00pm. Names to Mary O’Farrell @ 021-4632937 or Mary…
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Cloyne Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2020

The Cloyne Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place from Friday 29th May, to Wednesday 3rd June, 2020. Please forward names of sick and elderly wishing to travel, to Mary McCarthy @ 086-8103328 and Sheila Stack @ 086-1723972 or any…
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IMP Choir returning to practice

IMP choir have returned to practice following a very busy Christmas and look forward to a busy year ahead. Practice every Monday night from 7-8.30pm in Edmund Rice Centre, Room 2. New members welcome Contact 0864007719 for further info.

Christ’s Baptism

All the Old Covenant prefigurations find their fulfilment in Christ Jesus. He begins his public life after having himself baptized by St. John The Baptist in the Jordan. After his resurrection Christ gives this mission to his apostles. ‘Go Therefore…
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A Word of Thanks

As we begin this New Year and decade we extend a word of sincere gratitude to all who contribute so much to our parish and our worship in very many ways. We thank the various sacristans in our three churches,…
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Bible Group

Bible Group recommences on Tuesday morning, 7th January, at 10.30am in The Parish Office. All welcome.

Catechism Study Group

Catechism Study Group continues on Thursday evenings from this Thursday, January 9th beginning at 7.30pm in The Parish Office. It will be finishing Part One on that evening and starting Part Two, the section on The Sacraments. If you would…
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Eucharistic Adoration

A meeting of Coordinators on Monday 13th January, at 7.30pm in The Parish Office.