As we begin this New Year and decade we extend a word of sincere gratitude to all who contribute so much to our parish and our worship in very many ways. We thank the various sacristans in our three churches, the readers and ministers of the Eucharist, our choirs, organists and choir directors, and our altar servers. A special thanks to all who keep our churches so clean and in such good condition, as well as our altar groups, flower arrangers and leaders of our children’s liturgy. Thanks to our caretakers and their assistants, and to those members of community employment schemes assigned to the parish. We thank our collectors at all the Masses as well as those on the counter’s rota, our accounts officer and the members of the parish finance committee. A special word of thanks to our parish secretary as well all our volunteer catechists in the parish, plus the members of our baptism team. May God bless you all and grant you a happy and peaceful 2020.