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Thinking about Priesthood? Come and See weekend

The following event (see poster below) is a “Come and See” vocations to priesthood event involving all of the dioceses of Munster. The contact telephone numbers on this particular poster are those of the Director of Vocations (and Assistant Director…
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Church Unity Service

A Church Unity Service will be held in Holy Rosary Church on Sunday, January 22nd at 4.00pm. This is our annual Service for Church Unity and everybody is very welcome. Representatives from other Christian denominations will be present and will…
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Trócaire – Parish Volunteers Wanted

Are you interested in supporting the work of Trócaire in the Diocese of Cloyne? Trócaire is looking for volunteers to bring social justice issues alive at parish level. Further information from: Fr Tom McDermott (Trócaire Representative, Diocese of Cloyne) 086…
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Youth Mass

A Youth Mass (teenagers and young adults) will be celebrated in Leahy’s Open Farm, Dungourney, on Thurs 29th Dec 2016 at 7.30pm. Refreshments provided after Mass. Contact Fr Eamon Roche, 086 9972539, for more details. Click here for MAP to…
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Christmas Schedule – Holy Rosary Church

Carol Service, Sun 18th Dec, 5pm Penitential Service, incl. Confessions, Tue 20th Dec, 7.30 – 8.30pm, concluding with benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Other Confession Times: Fri 23rd Dec, 6.30 – 7.30 pm Christmas Eve (24th dec): 11.30am – 1pm,…
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Midleton Male Voice Choir

Presents their “KEEPING CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS” A Candle Lit Service in St. John the Baptist , Church of Ireland, on Thursday, 15th December at 7.30pm and also in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Chapel, on Wednesday 21sth December, at 7.30pm….
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Penetential Service (Advent 2016)

We warmly invite people to The Penetential Service on Tuesday, December 20th, at 7.30pm in Holy Rosary Church. This year the Penetential Service will be in the form of a Holy Hour finishing with Benediction. There is a special grace…
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Pro-Life Collection

Pro-Life Collection A very special “Thank You” to all who supported the collection for Pro-Life recently, especially the collectors.

Advent Devotions

Advent Devotions will take place each Sunday of Advent at 5.00pm in Holy Rosary Church with Rosary & Benediction (except the 4th Sunday of Advent as the Christmas Carol service will be on this day).

New Statue of Our Lady for Ballinacurra

A new statue of Our Lady of Lourdes is being erected at The Grotto in Ballinacurra. It will be unveiled an blessed by Canon Jim Killeen PP on Saturday, December 10th at 2.00pm. Everybody is welcome to this wonderful occasion.

Penetential Service

We warmly invite people to The Penitential Service on Tuesday, December 20th, at 7.30pm in Holy Rosary Church, when the Sacrament of Confession is made available There is a special grace when we acknowledge our sinfulness as a community. Several…
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Feast of The Immaculate Conception

Thursday next, December 8th is the Feast of The Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses as on Sunday, Vigil Mass on Wednesday, December 7th at 6.10pm, with an extra Mass on Thursday…
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Congratulations to our Parish Priest

We send our best wishes and warmest congratulations to Canon Jim Killeen (P.P. Midleton) on his appointment to the Chapter of Canons of St Colman’s Cathedral.