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The Town Autumn Stations – 2017

The following Stations will be celebrated in Holy Rosary Church at 7.30 p.m. Mon. Sept. 25th BAILICK: Road, Avenue, Court, CHERRYWOOD: Ridge, Heights, The Granary, Wood Quay, Charleston Wharf RIVERSIDE: Park, Estate, Rosary Place, Fr. Murphy Place and Church View….
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Vatican Two

Study of the Second Vatican Council Documents, led by Fr. John are held each Wednesday night, at 7.30pm. in The Parish Office. The first document to be looked at is “Dei Verbum”, on the understanding of Divine Revelation in Scripture,…
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Coffee Morning

Donal & Margaret Ryan, 7, Bromley Court, would like to thank everybody who made their Coffee Morning in aid Marymount Hospital & Hospice such a wonderful success.

Young Adult Weekly Prayer Meeting

Every Thursday evening at 7.30pm, in the Edmund Rice Centre. Includes prayer and discussion on Gospel. Age 16 – 35yrs. Cup of Tea afterwards. New members always welcome. Relaxed and friendly. For more info contact Deirdre @ 0860853535 or Fr…
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Ballintotis Tuesday Club

The Ballintotis Tuesday Club returns after the summer break on Tuesday next 19th September 2.30 – 4.30pm. Bookings for Autumn half day outing will be taken at this meeting. New Members are always welcome.

Ordination of Six Deacons in the Diocese of Cloyne

On Sunday, 24th September 2017, Bishop William Crean will ordain six Permanent Deacons for service in the diocese of Cloyne. Those to be ordained are all married men and fathers of families. The ceremony will take place at St. Colman’s…
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The Town Autumn Stations – 2017

The following Stations will be celebrated in Holy Rosary Church at 7.30 p.m. Mon. Sept. 25th BAILICK: Road, Avenue, Court, CHERRYWOOD: Ridge, Heights, The Granary, Wood Quay, Charleston Wharf RIVERSIDE: Park, Estate, Rosary Place, Fr. Murphy Place and Church View….
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Autumn Stations

Due to the Novena which will take place in the parish in October, the autumn stations for the town areas will take place during the last week of September and the first week of October, beginning on Monday September 25th….
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Bible Group

The Tuesday Morning Bible group led by Fr. John re-commences on Tuesday, September 12th, at 10.30am. in the Parish office. All very welcome.

Invitation to join Parish Choir.

The Parish Choir would like to invite anyone interested in joining the choir to contact Colette @ 4631690. The choir sings for 10.30am Mass each Sunday and practice on Tuesday nights. All enquiries welcome.

Coffee Morning in aid of Marymount Hospice

A Coffee Morning will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 12th, in the home of Donal & Margaret Ryan, 7, Bromley Court, from 9.00am to 12.30pm in aid of Marymount Hospital & Hospice. Everybody is very welcome.

Vatican Two

Study of the Second Vatican Council Documents led by Fr. John will commence on Wednesday night, September 13th, at 7.30pm. The first document to be looked at is “Dei Verbum”, on the understanding of Divine Revelation in Scripture, Tradition and…
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Knock Pilgrimage

Legion of Mary Pilgrimage to Knock, on Sunday 24th Sept. Bus leaving Park Hotel Midleton at 6.45am. Pick up in Main St. Carrigtwohill, at 7.00am. For further information ring: Mary @ 087-1279323 or Sheila @ 087-9322998