Feast Days during the week

Monday 23rd St. Eugene, lived in the 6th century and was said to have been taken by pirates to Britain. On obtaining his freedom he went to study at Candida Casa, Galloway, southern Scotland and on returning to Ireland he founded a monastery at Kilnamanagh in the Wicklow hills, but his principal monastery was at Ardstraw, Co. Tyrone. Patron Saint of the Diocese of Derry. St. Rose of Lima, (1586- 1617), Dominican tertiary and recluse, helped the poor and marginalised. Seen as originator of social service in Peru.

Tuesday 24th St. Bartholomew, Apostle. His name occurs in the Synoptic Gospels only in the list of apostles. He is probably to be identified with Nathanael of Cana, whom Philip brings to our Lord. Preached the Gospel in India. Patron saint of plasterers, tanners and leather workers.

Wednesday 25th St. Louis 1214-1270. King of France. Father of eleven children, a Franciscan tertiary, a man of integrity. Died in Tunisia on his second Crusade. Patron of French monarchy and military and barbers. St. Joseph Calasanz, (1556-1648) founded the Piarists to run free schools. Patron of Catholic schools.

Friday 27th St. Monica, (332-367) converted her pagan husband, Patricius, to the faith, and by her prayers and tears brought her son Augustine to Christianity and a moral life. Patron saint of mothers.

Saturday 28th St. Augustine, (354-430) Bishop of Hippo, where he lived with a community until his death. His theological influence has been significant in the Church, especially on the understanding of God’s grace. Patron of theologians.