Monday 5th, St. Anthony Zaccaria, (1502-1539) was a medical doctor before becoming a priest in Milan. He founded the Barnabites.
Tuesday 6th, St. Maria Goretti, (1890-1902) was stabbed to death in defence of her virtue.
Wednesday 7th, St. Maelruain, bishop and abbot. Founded the monastery of Tallaght, Co. Dublin in 774, which introduced a reform. Important liturgical and spiritual writings emerged from this movement known as the Ceili De reform. He died in 792.
Thursday 8th, St. Killian, born in the diocese of Kilmore, he and eleven companions travelled to Europe and he became known as the apostle of Thuringia an eastern Franconia, He was put to death in 689 and there is great devotion to him in Wurzburg where his remains lie.
Friday 9th, Ss. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions, martyrs. The memorial celebrates 119 martyrs, including St. Augustine Zhao Rong (martyred 1815) who were killed for the faith in China.