Tuesday 11th July, St Benedict, Abbot and patron of Europe, c.480-547. After living as a hermit at Subiaco, he founded the monastery of Monte Cassino. His Rule, observed by Benedictines and Cistercians, is distinguished by its wisdom and balance and those who lived by it did much to shape the Europe of today. Named patron in 1964.
Thursday 13th July, St Henry, 973—1024, Duke of Bavaria and later emperor. A just ruler, humble man of prayer and reformer of the Church.
Friday 14th July, St. Camillus de Lellis, 1550-1614, was rough-tempered and a gambler in his early life as a soldier. He converted at the age of twenty-five. Guided by St. Philip Neri, he became a priest and worked for the sick with two companions. His Servants of the Sick prospered and founded hospitals especially where others would not go. Patron saint of Nurses, hospitals and the sick.
Saturday 15th July, St. Bonaventure, bishop and doctor of the Church. 1221-1274, He was born in Tuscany and during his life became Minister General of the Franciscans, Cardinal Archbishop of Albano and theologian to the Council of Lyons.