
Pope’s Intentions for the month of November

For children who suffer: We pray for children who are suffering, especially those who are homeless. Orphans, and victims of war; may they be guaranteed access to education and the opportunity to experience family affection.

Feast Days during the week

Monday 21st, The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Tuesday 22nd, St. Cecilia the patroness of music and musicians, was a second or third- century Roman Christian martyr. According to tradition, she refused to worship the Roman gods and was…
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We will be constituting a new Parish Pastoral Council over the next few weeks. As part of that process, Deacon Leonard Cleary will speak at all Masses next weekend on what a Parish Pastoral Council could and should be. Leonard…
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At some time in the past few weeks serious damage was done to the kerbing of a grave in Holy Rosary cemetery, which is deeply upsetting to the family involved. This damage is such that it was caused by a…
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We are delighted to inform you that the parish has received a grant from the Benefact Trust towards the building of our new parish centre. The amount of the grant is £25,000 which comes to €28,150. This will be a…
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Quote for the Week

“Be gentle to the weak, firm to the stubborn, steadfast to the proud and humble to the lowly.” St. Columban

Mass Times

Sundays: Holy Rosary, Vigil 6.10pm Saturday evening; Morning 8am, 10am and Noon; Ballintotis, 10.30am Weekdays: Masses this week: Monday to Friday, 8.00 am & 10.00am Saturday, 10am. All Masses in Holy Rosary are televised on Saorview and streamed on the…
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Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 9am to 10pm.


Elizabeth (Mother) Heaphy, Kathleen Barton, Hugo O’Halloran, Kathleen Roche, Nora Cashman, Denis Bennett, Patrick Collins, The Collins Family, Dick Phelan.

Pope’s Intentions for the month of November

For children who suffer: We pray for children who are suffering, especially those who are homeless. Orphans, and victims of war; may they be guaranteed access to education and the opportunity to experience family affection.

Altar Servers

We are hoping to re-introduce altar servers to the weekend Masses in the near future. The Application form can be collected in the sacristy before or after any of the Sunday Masses (including the Vigil) this weekend or next. Our…
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St. Joseph’s Young Priests’ Society

St. Joseph’s Young Priests’ Society will hold their Monthly Meeting on Wednesday next 16th November, after 10.00am Mass in Holy Rosary Parish Office.

Pro Life Trust collection

Please support the Pro Life Trust collection this Saturday evening / Sunday morning which provides help for women facing Crisis Pregnancy.

Feast Days during the week

Monday 14th November, St. Lawrence O’Toole, born in Castledermot, Co. Kildare in 1123. He studied at Glendalough, becoming a monk there and later its abbot in 1148. In 1162 he was chosen as the first native Archbishop of Dublin. He…
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