Monday 14th November, St. Lawrence O’Toole, born in Castledermot, Co. Kildare in 1123. He studied at Glendalough, becoming a monk there and later its abbot in 1148. In 1162 he was chosen as the first native Archbishop of Dublin. He followed the reforming methods of Ceallach and Malachy, introducing the Canons Regular to minister in the Cathedral, upholding the rights of the Church, caring for the people. He attended the Third Lateran Council in 1179 and, returning as Papal Legate, he held synods to extend reform. He worked for peace and reconciliation and died on a mission of mediation with King Henry II and the Irish rulers at Eu in Normandy in 1180.
Tuesday 15th November, St. Albert the Great, bishop and doctor of the Church. c.1206-80. A Dominican theologian, who taught in Cologne, he was called the ‘Universal Doctor’ for the vast range of his interests. Patron saint of scientists.
Wednesday 16th November, St. Margaret of Scotland, 1045-93, wife of Malcolm III, King of Scotland, helped by her example and influence the work of reform in the Church.; St Gertrude, 1256-1302, a Benedictine nun, from the age of five she cultivated devotion to the Sacred Heart and advocated frequent Communion.
Thursday 17th November, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, 1207- 31, queen at fourteen, widowed and exiled at twenty, Franciscan tertiary until her death at twenty-four. A woman of prayer and service of the poor.
Friday 18 November, The Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss. Peter and Paul.