
Quote for the Week

“To all earth’s creatures God has given the broad earth, the springs, the rivers and the forests, giving the air to the birds, and the waters to those who live in water, giving abundantly to all the basic needs of…
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Masses for Christmas

Christmas Eve, 6.10pm and 9pm in Holy Rosary and 8pm in Ballintotis. Christmas Morning: 8am, 10am and Noon in Holy Rosary and 10.30am in Ballintotis. Tuesday, December 26th to Saturday 30th, Mass at 10am only. Confessions: No Confessions next weekend.


Anniversaries: Ann Barry, Johannah Wilshin, Molly Cronin, Peg Fouhy, Pattie Walsh, Daniel O’Reardon, Dan Hickey, Ellen (Nell) Walsh (nee) Heaphy, John & Marie Fuller, Fritz Schafer, Gretta & Michael Cuddigan, Margaret & Patrick O’Connor.

Blessing of the Baby Jesus figures

Baby Jesus figures from home cribs are being blessed at all the Masses today (Fourth Sunday of Advent). On your return home after the blessing, the children are invited to wrap the blessed figurines in Christmas wrapping, place them under…
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The Pope’s Intentions for December 2023

For Persons with Disabilities- “We pray that people living with disabilities may be at the centre of attention in society, and that institutions may offer inclusive programmes which value their active participation.”

Feast Days

Monday, 25th December, The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Virgin will conceive and bear a son and they shall call him Emmanuel. Tuesday, 26th December, St Stephen, the first Christian martyr, was one of those in charge of…
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New Parish Pastoral Centre

The parish is looking for Painting Contractors who are interested in quoting for the complete painting internally of the new Parish Pastoral Centre. For further details and specification, contact Padraig Foley (Clerk of Works) 086-8060868

War in the Holy Land

This Christmas sees war in the Holy Land and in many other places of the world. The violence and suffering unleashed in all wars is never good and inevitably it is the innocent who end up dying and losing everything….
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Quote for the Week

“As they were stoning Stephen, he called out, ‘Lord Jesus, receive my spirit’. Then he fell to his knees and cried out in a loud voice, ‘Lord, do not hold this sin against them’; and when he said this, he…
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Mass Times

Vigil Mass: 6.10pm; Sunday 8am, 10am and 12 Noon. Ballintotis 10.30am. Weekday Masses this week: Monday to Friday 8am and 10am; Saturday 10am.


Advent: Next Sunday (24th December, Christmas Eve) is the Fourth Sunday of Advent. As normal, there is the Vigil Mass on Saturday and the Sunday morning Masses in Holy Rosary and Ballintotis. The morning Masses on the 24th cover for…
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Christmas Details

Christmas Details: Advent Carol Service, this Sunday 17th December, 5pm. The Penitential Service is on Thursday 21st December beginning at 7.30pm.

Masses for Christmas

Christmas Eve, 6.10pm and 9pm in Holy Rosary and 8pm in Ballintotis. Christmas Morning: 8am, 10am and Noon in Holy Rosary and 10.30am in Ballintotis. Tuesday, December 26th to Saturday 30th, Mass at 10am only.