This Christmas sees war in the Holy Land and in many other places of the world. The violence and suffering unleashed in all wars is never good and inevitably it is the innocent who end up dying and losing everything. Rarely do the leaders of war lose all they have, end up starving or injured or dead.
The number of children who lose their lives is shocking and like the Holy Innocents they do not understand what is going on and why. The greedy, selfish, power hungry leaders of war do not have any regard for the innocent lives being taken.
Let us pray this Christmas time for all who have lost their lives in war, those who have been injured, those who suffer from famine, especially the children. May the Lord welcome those who have died into his presence, bring comfort to those who suffer and may those who bring violence, suffering and death to others have their hearts of stone changed to hearts of flesh and end the needless actions of violence and war.
God bless all who are trying to help those who are in great need at this time in our troubled world.