Monday 2nd May: St. Athanasius — Born in Alexandria around 295. He was constantly battling with heresy especially defending the true and equal divinity of Christ.
Tuesday 3rd May: Ss. Philip and James — St. Philip was a disciple of John the Baptist who, after seeing Christ, follows him and is named as one of the Twelve. St. James, the son of Alphaeus, ruled the Church at Jerusalem, wrote an epistle and led a life of penance. He converted many of the people of Jerusalem and was martyred in the year 62.
Wednesday 4th May: St Conleth — while living as a hermit he was persuaded by St. Brigid to act as priest for her community. In an early ‘Life of Brigid’ he was called bishop and abbot of the monks of Kildare. He was buried beside Brigid in the great church there.
Thursday 5th May: BL Edmund Rice (1762-1844) — came from Callan, Co. Kilkenny. After he was widowed, he sold his possessions and dedicated his life to the education of the poor. He is a model of patient and cheerful acceptance of the suffering god sends, a true lay apostle and a deeply committed religious.