Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (from the Liturgical Calendar 2024, p.45)

“You shall love the Lord your God…and your neighbour as yourself (Luke 10:27)

The theme for 2024 is based on a text from the Gospel of St. Luke, with material prepared by an ecumenical team from Burkina Faso, facilitated by the local Chemin Neuf Community, whose members have a special commitment to Christian unity. The theme, and the material prepared during such a precarious period in the country’s history, helps us to recognise that the love of Christ unites all Christians and is stronger than their divisions. Material for the week is jointly published by the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity (www.christianunity.va) and the Commission on Faith and Order of the Council of Churches. The source texts are available in English and Irish at https://ctbi.org.uk/.