The Bishops of Ireland have called for a national Church collection on the 6th and 7th of November to support Trocaire in providing life-saving aid to vulnerable communities in East Africa, where millions of people are being pushed to the edge of starvation.
Already affecting over 30 million vulnerable babies, children, women, and men, the scale of this hunger crisis is unprecedented. Yet with the world’s focus on local issues and concerns, and resources for humanitarian response more thinly spread than ever, the plight of those in East Africa remains largely hidden. The East Africa crisis is being fuelled by a deadly mix of factors far beyond their control: environmental shocks due to escalating climate change, conflict, locust swarms, and COVID19.
Trocaire teams are already responding on the ground, and are ready to provide more life-saving assistance but need more resources. Any support the Parish can give to this Emergency Appeal will help the urgent work of Trocaire and their hardworking local partners. For more information see www.trocaire.org
Envelopes for the special collection are available at the back of the church and may be returned next weekend. If you are in a position to give a donation of €250 or more and are a taxpayer, you should contact Trocaire directly as they may be able to claim some money back from the revenue office at no extra cost to you.