Thoughts on the Sacraments

With the new Parish Pastoral Centre open, the space it has offers more opportunity to gather to share and explore the faith with others. Before Covid hit, I (Fr. John) was leading a group called ‘The Bible Book Club’. It took place on Tuesday mornings. I was also part of a small group that was exploring the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Down through the years I have led study of the Catechism and had a group in Bealnamorrive who on Monday evenings explored the topic “Jesus and the Eucharist”. Another topic, one that I haven’t led before but had promised some people I would do, is ‘An Introduction to Philosophy’.

Pope Francis has declared 2025 a Holy Year with the theme of Hope at its centre. Also, the 60th anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council occurs in 2025 as well. I hope during the Holy Year to begin looking at some of the topics that I have raised above. During the next few weeks celebrating the Feast of Christ the King and then entering into the Advent season, we will continue to reflect on the importance of the sacraments and appreciate their meaning for us and for all the faithful.

We will also be looking toward the Holy Year and how it will be celebrated internationally, nationally and locally. Bit by bit as it approaches details will come through and decisions will be made on what will be happening on each level and when it will take place during the year. Please God, the year dedicated to hope will help us all become more hopeful people as we do the best to live and express our faith.