The War in Ukraine

In their statement from the Spring Conference this week the Bishops Conference of Ireland referred to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine due to the war that has been inflicted on that country. They have asked us all to pray for the Ukrainians and for peace beginning with a special reference to it during Masses on St. Patrick’s Day and then continuing daily, through Lent, using a prayer they have published. They have also called for a special collection to be made on March 27th to help those suffering in so many ways due to this war.

Copies of the prayer will be available from Wednesday in Holy Rosary and Ballintotis and the envelopes for the collection will be available at the back of the churches from Sunday 20th through the week to the 27th. The envelopes can be brought to Masses on the weekend of the 27th March or dropped in to the parish office, the sacristy or one of the priests’ houses.

May we continue to remember in our prayers all who suffer in our world due to greed and power-inspired violence and war.