The Synodal Pathway

(The following information came from the diocesan steering group on synodality)

Pope Francis wants to hear from the whole Church about what is happening in local parishes. He and the bishops would like to know what individuals think we should all be doing to help make our parishes better. The way he has proposed doing this is a synodal process. Synod means “journeying together” and it involves listening to the Holy Spirit and to each other in order to discern the path we are called to walk together. The synod “is intended to inspire people to dream about the Church we are called to be, to make people’s hopes flourish, to stimulate trust, to bind up wounds, to weave new and deeper relationships, to learn from one another, to build bridges, to enlighten minds, warm hearts, and restore strength to our hands for our common mission”

The Ten Key Elements of Synodality

Be companions to each other on the journey
Listening to the Spirit and each other
Speaking out
Celebrating together
Sharing responsibility for our common mission
Joining dialogue in Church and in wider society
Participating in ecumenism
Each claiming their proper authority and participation
Being part of discerning and deciding
Forming ourselves in synodality.

A short Video Message from Bishop Crean on on The Pathway to Synod

Now we are asking you to participate in this process. We want to hear your experiences and hopes for the Church. Your voice is important! Share your thoughts and views with us through an online survey:

The recommended way to take part in the survey is online, but if you would prefer to complete the survey on hard copy, you will find copies at the back of the church. The completed survey should be posted to the Diocesan Office, Bishops Road, Cobh, Co. Cork.

Next Sunday, April 10th, is Palm Sunday. Palms will be blessed at all Masses. If you would like to bring your own Palm for the blessing and take it home after, you are quite welcome to do so. Palms will be provided on the day.

Please keep in your prayers the children who will be celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time during the week, their parents/guardians and also their teachers.