Monday, March 6th: Bailick: Road, Avenue, Court; Cherrywood Ridge, Heights; The Granary, Wood Quay, Charleston Wharf. Riverside: Park, Estate; Rosary Place; Fr. Murphy Place and Church View.The Rock: Youghal Road, Rockgrove; Beechwood: Court, Drive; Oakwood Lodge, Park South, The Oaks; St. Mary’s: Road, Terrace, Convent View, Castleredmond Court, Ashwood, Crescent and Ashbrook; Roxboro Close,
Tuesday, March 7th: Main Street East: Distillery Walk, Corabbey Court, Connolly Street, Dickenson’s Place, School Land, Drury’s Avenue. Drury’s Lane, McDermott Street, College View, O’Brien’s Tce., Dungourney Road, Clonmult Tce., The park, Lauriston Mews, Oliver Plunkett Place, Owenacurra Centre, Midleton Hospital, Suncourt Estate, Bromley Court. Main Street West: Broderick Street, Coolbawn: Mews, Court, Church Lane, Riverside Way, Thomas Street, The Crescent, New Cork Road, Old Cork Road, Woodlands, Dwyer Road and Chestnut Drive.
Thursday March 9th: Castleredmond — Main Road, Lakeview Road, The Cotswolds, Ballinacurra Road, The Dark Road, Ard na Greine ; Oak Park, Orchard Avenue, The Courtyard, The Paddock, Castleredmond Estate; Towns Park, Rocky Road, Midleton Downs, Manor Lane Court, Hawthorn Drive.
Friday March 10th: Mill Road: Lower, Middle, Upper, north of the Railway Line, The Courtyard (Mill House), Mill Race, Millenium Court, The Crescent, Millbrook: Avenue, Close, Drive, Court and Lawn; Elsinore: Heights and Rise. Park Street: Park Street, Lourdesville, Mannix Place, Roche’s Terrace, Michael Collins’ Square, Tom Clarke’s Terrace, Tim Daly’s Terrace, Show: Field and Park; McSweeney’s Terrace, and Elm Grove. Avoncore: Estate, Cottages, Place and Park; Forest Hill, Brookdale,Ard na Corann, Broomfield: Ridge, Court and West. Broomfield Village. Knockgriffin and Whitegate: Cork Road North, Dermot Hurley Terrace, Joseph Ahern Terrace, Kennel Road, Willowbank: Court and Crescent.
Station Masses begin each evening at 7.30pm. Envelopes can be found at the back of the Church.