Wetlands converted into cultivated land lose the enormous biodiversity which they formerly hosted. In some coastal areas the disappearance of ecosystems sustained by mangrove swamps is a source of serious concern. It disturbs us to learn of the extinction of mammals or birds, since they are more visible. But the good functioning of ecosystems also requires fungi, algae, worms, insects, reptiles and an innumerable variety of micro-organisms. All creatures are connected and interlinked and dependent on one another and Pope Francis states that it is not enough, however to think of different species merely as potential “resources” to be exploited, while overlooking the fact that they have value in themselves. These species give glory to God by their very existence. Once each must be cherished with love and respect. Pope Francis states that it is not enough, however to think of different species merely as potential “resources” to be exploited,while overlooking the fact that they have value in themselves. These species give glory to God by their very existence. No creature is excluded from the manifestation of God: “From panoramic vistas to the tiniest living form, nature is a constant source of wonder and awe.” There is the aesthetic appeal of nature, which is rooted in our response to the harmony and beauty of the natural world. From an aesthetic point of view, every one of the millions of species is unique, a natural work of art that cannot be recreated if lost. Once species become extinct there is no going back.