We begin this week by congratulating the children in the Gaelscoil who received Holy Communion for the First Time on Saturday. May the Lord bless them and their families.
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in the parish during the coming week. There will be five ceremonies celebrated and they are as follows:
Monday 23rd St. Brigid’s
Tuesday 24th CBS
Wednesday 25th Educate Together and St. John the Baptist
Thursday 26th Gaelscoil
Friday 27th Ballintotis
All the ceremonies begin at 1pm. Please keep the girls and boys who are to receive the sacrament this week in your prayers. Also remember their sponsors, their parents and families, their teachers and all who have helped them to prepare. May the Lord bless them all. On Saturday 28th, the girls from St. Brigid’s will receive Holy Communion for the First Time. Keep them, their families and teachers in your prayers also. That ceremony begins at 11am.