Midleton Parish
Month of May, 2019
Each Sunday of May:
Ballinacurra Grotto, 6.30 p.m.
Each Monday of May:
Holy Rosary Church, 7.30 p.m. incl. holy hour and Benediction.
Each Tuesday of May:
Roche’s Terrace Grotto, 7pm.
Each Wednesday of May:
Ballinacurra Grotto, 8 pm.
Each Thursday of May:
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, 7pm. (Grotto is on lawn between upper & lower building).
Each Friday of May:
Holy Rosary cemetery, Our Lady Statue in new section, 7 p.m.
Each Saturday in May:
Holy Rosary Church, 10.30am after 10am Mass. 31 Rosaries. 4 Holy Hours (Mondays). Schedule begins Wednesday 1st May at Ballinacurra Grotto. Note: on Monday 13th May the Parish will celebrate the 125th anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone in Holy Rosary Church.