Questions and Answers

Questions this week

  1. In one of the weekday Masses during the week, in the first reading taken from the Acts of the Apostles a woman named Lydia was mentioned. What trade did she work at?
  2. Before being moved to Sunday, on what day of the week was Ascension celebrated?
  3. In Pope Francis’ ‘Prayer Marathon’, on what date was Knock the central shrine for prayer?
  4. How many deaneries are there in the Diocese of Cloyne?
  5. What are the two sacraments of healing?

Answers to last week’s questions: 1. Mother of the Church. 2. May 13th, 1981. The Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. 3. 18 times. 4. Pope John Paul II wrote 14 Encyclicals. 5. St. Jude.