
The Synod Gathering in Rome finishes today, Sunday 29th, Within the next few months information related to the Synod and its discussions will come through to us and quite possibly from different sources. As all involved in the Synod and as all the journalists following the Synod were advised, be very careful when it comes to discussions in relation to what has, is and will be discussed or taken on board. There is a long way to go yet in any deliberations. The topics up for discussion between now and next October will be looked at on diocesan level and then brought to parish level. Looking at the idea of ‘synodality’ one of the basic examples of it is the Pastoral Council. It is comprised of a group of parishioners and the clergy of the parish united in looking at the pastoral needs of the parish and how, as a parish, we might be able to improve how the faith is shared and expressed in the world around us.