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St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society:

An important meeting of St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society will take place at the Pastoral Centre on Wednesday the 22nd January after 10am Mass.

Altar Servers

The forms from the new Altar Servers should be handed into the sacristy. After we receive them, we will contact all who have applied and arrange ‘a training session’. Thanking you all in advance.

Pope’s Intentions for January

For the Right to an Education: “Let us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.”

Alpha Youth

The ‘Alpha Youth’ programme began on Wednesday night last in the Parish Pastoral Centre. Thirty-four young people took part in the session and they really enjoyed it. Four more couldn’t make it on the night, leaving 2 places still available….
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Feast Days

Tuesday, 21st January, St. Agnes, wealthy and beautiful, was martyred for her virginity in the last persecutions in Rome, in the early fourth century. Patron of betrothed couples, gardeners and young girls. Friday, 24th January, St. Francis de Sales, bishop…
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2025 Jubilee Year of Hope

The fourth sign of the times for us to keep in mind as Pope Francis addresses us is the sign of hope to the sick. He says in n. 11: “Signs of hope should also be shown to the sick,…
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The Envelope System

The Envelope Boxes for 2025 have been posted. If you have not received a box at this stage, please inform the parish office. There are still some boxes that have not been sent because we have no name or addresses…
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Mass times

Sunday Masses: Holy Rosary, Vigil 6.10pm; Morning 8am, 10am and 12 Noon. Ballintotis 10.30amWeekdays: Monday to Friday 8am and 10am; Saturday 10am.

Pope’s Intentions for January

For the Right to an Education: “Let us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.”

Alpha Youth

The Alpha Youth Programme begins on this Wednesday, 15th January @ 7pm. It continues for nine Wednesdays (7 p.m. – 8.15p.m.). ‘Alpha Youth’ is a programme allowing teenagers to freely chat about life, faith and purpose in a fun-filled environment…
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Feast Days

Wednesday 15th January, St Ita, was born in Co. Waterford of noble and Christian parents. Early on she set her mind on serving Christ in religious life. She founded a monastery in Killeedy, Co. Limerick, which attracted a great variety…
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St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society

An important meeting of St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society will take place at the Pastoral Centre on Wednesday the 22nd January after 10am Mass.