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Quote for the Week

“To the servant of God every place is the right place, and every time is the right time”

Mass Times

Vigil Mass: 6.10pm; Sunday 8am, 10am and 12 Noon. Ballintotis 10.30am. Weekday Masses: Monday to Friday, 8am and 10am. Saturday 10am Confessions: Saturdays Noon to 1pm in the Adoration Chapel.


Anniversaries: Fr. Willie O’Sullivan, Sr. De Sales Walsh, David Hogan, John Hegarty, Kitty Daly, Gretta O’Sullivan.

Pope’s Intentions for April

For a culture of peace and non-violence: “We pray for the spread of peace and non-violence, by decreasing the use of weapons by States and citizens”

Altar Servers

The role of altar server is open to girls and boys from 3rd class up to 3rd year. If any young person wishes to apply, they are more than welcome. Application forms are available in the sacristy.

Basket Collection

From next weekend, April 23rd/24th, we will be resuming our offertory collections by passing the basket as before. Any former collectors who are still available are asked to resume their role. Everyone is asked to co-operate in ensuring that the…
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Feast Days

Tuesday 18th April, St Laserian, bishop. Worked in both Ireland and Scotland in the seventh century and later entered the monastery of Leighlin, where he became abbot. His monastery thrived and later gave its name to the diocese established in…
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Quote for the Week

“For I do not seek to understand in order to believe, but I believe in order to understand. For believe this: unless I believe, I will not understand.”

Mass Times

Masses on Easter Sunday: Holy Rosary 8am, 10am and Noon. Ballintotis 10.30am. Weekday masses for Easter Week: Monday to Saturday 10am. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 9am to 10pm Monday to Friday. No Confessions on Saturday 15th April.

Pope’s Intentions for April

For a culture of peace and non-violence: “We pray for the spread of peace and non-violence, by decreasing the use of weapons by States and citizens”


Lil Barton, William Barton, Michael Duggan, Aidan (Bun) O’Donovan, Mikey Heaphy, Dommy Heaphy, Sheila Cox, Mary Lyons, James Daly, Oliver Parsons, Molly Goldspring, Dermot O’Sullivan, Nora O’Brien.

Easter Octave

Easter Sunday and the days during Easter Week up to and including the Second Sunday of Easter form the Easter Octave. The Octave sees the week, through the use of the First Preface of Easter every day, as if it…
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Altar Servers

Next Sunday, please God, will see the re-introduction of altar servers in the liturgy in Holy Rosary. The role of altar server is open to girls and boys from 3rd class up to 3rd year. If any young person wishes…
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