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Feast Days

Monday 31st July, St Ignatius of Loyola, priest, 1491-1556, from the north of Spain, founded the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). By the time of his death, the Society had spread widely and had over one thousand members. His great theme…
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Silence in Worship

A practical point in relation to this is, when we come to the Church we should either turn off our phones, leave them in the car or leave them at home.

Quote for the Week

World Youth Day takes place from 1st to 6th August in Lisbon, Portugal. The Pope’s Intentions this month are for the success of this time where massive numbers of young people gather to celebrate their faith and the ‘quote for…
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Pallottine Fathers Missions

Bro. Stephen Buckley who visited the parish back on the weekend of the 8th/9th July has written to thank everyone for their generosity. Between what was in the envelopes he received that weekend and donations given to him directly, the…
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Presyterorum Ordinis

Carrying on from last week in relation to the functions of the priest, n.6 refers to priests as ‘educators in the faith’. They do so either themselves or can get help through the appointment of others to help them in…
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Mass Times

Vigil Mass: 6.10pm; Sunday 8am, 10am and 12 Noon. Ballintotis 10.30am. Weekday Masses: Monday to Friday 8am and 10am. Saturday 10am. Confessions: Saturdays Noon to 1pm in the Adoration Chapel.

Jubilee Thanksgiving, June 23rd, 2023

“I wish to send a sincere word of thanks to our Bishop; to my fellow clergy; and the People of Midleton Parish and elsewhere in sharing the celebration of my Platinum Jubilee in the Priesthood. And, a very special word…
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Feast Days

Monday 24th, St Sharbel Makhluf, became a monk at the monastery of St. Maron at Annaya and was ordained in 1859. He became a hermit from 1875 until his death in 1898. He was much sought after for counsel and…
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Pope’s Intentions for July

For a Eucharistic life: We pray that Catholics may place the celebration of the Eucharist at the heart of their lives, transforming human relationships in a very deep way and opening to the encounter with God and all their brothers…
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Silence in Worship

We return this week to the reflection on silence in worship by Pope Francis. Last weekend the passage finished with a thought on how we have to be careful in relation to how we treat the silence experienced in the…
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Presbyterorum Ordinis

In the ministry of priests there is a word used, that over the years as a seminarian and a priest, I have heard discussed and debated and quite often misused and misunderstood — the word power. ‘The power of the…
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Quote for the Week

“A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love”

Mass Times

Mass Times: Vigil Mass: 6.10pm; Sunday 8am, 10am and 12 Noon. Ballintotis 10.30am. Weekday Masses: Monday to Friday 8am and 10am. Saturday 10am. Confessions: Saturdays Noon to 1pm in the Adoration Chapel.