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Diocesan Annual Collection

The Annual Collection for the Education of Students for the Priesthood and Permanent Deacons will take place this weekend 22nd/23rd Sept. This year the Diocese has two students preparing priesthood and a priest undertaking further studies. The cost for one…
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Meals on Wheels

Committed members are required to help prepare meals in our kitchen. Commitment – is one shift every five weeks. Contact John @ 086-8501686 or Liz @ 087-7684486.

Vatican II Study Group

The Vatican II Study Group continues on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm in The Parish Office. All interested are very welcome.

Town Autumn Stations

Due to the Parish Mission our town Autumn Stations will take place in September, as follows: Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Chapel Mill Road Side Monday Sept. 17th : 7.30pm: Main Street East – Distillery Walk, Roxboro Mews, Corabbey Court,…
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Altar Servers Note

Holy Rosary Parish wishes to thank all the Altar Servers who were so faithful over the year and during the Summer Holidays. We are now recruiting new Altar Servers Children from 4th – 6th class are offered an invitation to…
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Children’s Liturgy of The Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word will commence September 16th during the 10.30am Eucharistic Celebration, for children of ages 5-8, where they are given an opportunity to listen and respond to the Word of God in an appropriate manner. The CloW…
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Coffee Morning in aid of Marymount Hospice

Coffee Morning in aid of Marymount Hospice will be held at the home of Margaret & Donal Ryan, 7, Bromley Court, Midleton on Thursday, 20th September, from 9.30am to 1.00pm. Everybody is very welcome.

Meals on Wheels

Committed volunteers required to help prepare meals in our kitchen. Commitment is one shift every five weeks. Contact John @ 086-8501686 or Liz @ 087-7684486.

Legion of Mary Pilgrimage to Knock

The Legion of Mary are having their pilgrimage to Knock on Sunday, September 30th. Bus leaves Midleton Park Hotel, at 6.30am. Pick up on Main Street Carrigtwohill, at 6.45am. All welcome. For further details contact Mary @ 087-1279323 or Sheila…
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