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Holy Day

Next Thursday, 15th August, is the Feast of Our Lady of The Assumption. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. There will No Vigil Mass on Wednesday evening. Masses on The Holy Day: 9.00am Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Chapel,…
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Ennismore Retreat Centre

A day of reflection, on the heading “The Meaning is in The Shadows” is being led by Fr. Peter McVerry, on Saturday, 7thSeptember from 10.30am to 4.30pm. Cost €60.00 including lunch. Booking is essential. For further information phone: 021-4502520 or…
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Youth 2000 Summer Festival

Join over 1000 young people between 16 and 35 this August, at the Youth 2000 Summer Festival. The festival takes place in Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co. Kildare from Thursday 15th August to Sunday 18th August 2019. For further information…
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Mass in St. Joseph’s Cemetery

A Mass will be celebrated in St. Joseph’s Cemetery (The Pauper’s Graveyard) on Tuesday, 13th August at 7.30pm. Weather permitting. The Mass will be offered for all buried in the cemetery and the intentions of all present.

Eucharistic Adoration

Perpetual Adoration has been in existence in our parish for 30 years. Because of falling numbers it has become necessary to call a meeting of all adorers (day & night) to review our current situation. A meeting will take place…
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Upcoming Feast Days This Week

Wednesday August 14th: St. Maximillian Kolbe: St. Maximillian a Conventual Franciscan who worked in the apostolate of the press in Poland and Japan. He died in Auschwitz, having taken the place of another prisoner who was married and had a…
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Christ calls us to continual vigilance

In this week’s Sunday reading Christ calls us to continual vigilance. To be always watchful that we are not led into temptation. He taught us to pray that we may not be put to the test. But above all we…
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Prayer for Farmers and Holiday Makers

Again this week we pray for fine weather for all those working on the land at this time and also for holiday makers that they may enjoy their break from work.

Bank Holiday Monday

Tomorrow Monday being a Bank Holiday, the 10.00am Mass is the only Mass being offered in Holy Rosary. The 8am Mass in Holy Rosary will resume on Tuesday August 5th.

Trócaire Collection

The recent Trócaire collection amounted to a wonderful sum of 4,894.00euro for which we thank you very much.

Midleton/Knock Pilgrimage

Pilgrimage to Our Lady’s Shrine, on Sunday, September 8th. (Grandparents Day). Coach leaves Midleton Library at 7.00am. Pilgrimage pick ups on route. The first such at Bus Shelter, Comunity Hall, Carrigtwohill. Bookings to: Eily O’Sullivan, Hurley’s Super Valu, Midleton or…
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Mass in St. Joseph’s Cemetary

A Mass will be celebrated in St. Joseph’s Cemetary (The Pauper’s Graveyard) on Tuesday, 13th August at 7.30pm. Weather permitting. The Mass will be offered for all buried in the cemetary and the intentions present.

Upcoming Feast Days This Week

Tuesday August 6th: The Transfiguration of Our Lord: The Cross requires the exodus of Jesus, his death resurrection and glorification. The disciples have to realise that he must depart, just as they are now prepared for his going to Jerusalem….
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