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Feast Days

Monday, 11th November, St Martin of Tours, bishop, 316-397. Bishop of Tours, apostle of rural Gaul (modern France), founder of monasteries. Patron of France, soldiers, beggars and innkeepers. Tuesday, 12th November, St. Josaphat, bishop and martyr, 1580-1623. Bishop of Polatz,…
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Thoughts on the Sacraments

For all Catholics there are three stages of formation: First Stage: the infant stage – the formation we receive in our infant years and our primary school education where we learn about different aspects of the faith in a way…
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Quote for the Week

“The greater the height we climb to attain knowledge by humility, the deeper we descend into the depths of God’s magnitude.”


Sunday Masses: Church of the Most Holy Rosary: Vigil 6.10pm; Sunday Morning: 8am, 10am and Noon. St. Colman’s Church, Ballintotis: 10.30am Weekday Masses: This week the Cloyne Diocesan Priests’ Conference is on in Killarney. From Monday to Friday there will…
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Baptisms: Holy Rosary: Saturday 4.30pm and Sunday 1.15pm. On the second Sunday of the month in St. Colman’s, Ballintotis 1.15pm. Contact the Parish Office for details.

Feast Days

Monday, 4th November, St. Charles Borromeo, bishop, 1538-84,. Cardinal Archbishop of Milan at the age of twenty-one, worked for reform in his diocese, drafting the Catechism of the Council of Trent. Patron saint of catechists and seminarians. Tuesday, 5th November,…
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Holy Rosary Closing Time

The closing time for Holy Rosary is 5.30pm unless there is an evening liturgy being celebrated in the church.

Pope’s Intentions for November

For anyone who has lost a child: “We pray that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community and receive peace and consolation from the Holy Spirit.”

Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina, translated as divine reading will take place this coming Wednesday the 6th of November at 7.30pm in the new parish pastoral centre. If you would like more information on Lectio Divina please contact Deacon Eddie on 0879867058.

Cemetery Prayers

Sunday 10th November in Ballintotis after the 10.30am Mass and Holy Rosary Cemetery at 3pm; Sunday 17th November in Churchtown North at 2.30pm and Ballinacurra at 3.00pm; Sunday 24th November in St. Joseph’s at 2.30pm. Ballyspillane at 3.15pm and Ballyoughtera…
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Confirmation Preparation Classes

Arrangements for the Confirmation Preparation classes for students of Midleton Educate Together and St John the Baptist schools have been changed. The classes will now take place on Tuesday afternoons, beginning on Tuesday November 12th, in MyPlace Centre, Mill Road,…
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Pro-Life Trust

The Church Gate Collection for the Pro-Life Trust will take place next weekend 9th/10th November. Since the legalisation of Abortion in Ireland in 2019, more than forty thousand abortions have taken place. Your help would be appreciated.

Thoughts on the Sacraments

‘For many reasons, a lot of people tend not to continue the journey of life together with the Christian community that they joined through Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.’ I finished with that line last week as I wrote down some…
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Quote for the Week

“By silence, I will not betray my neighbour; by silence, I will not hurt my brother; by silence, I will not accuse anyone unjustly; by silence, I will not speak ill of anyone.”