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Please note that the Parish Office moved on the 30th September to the new Parish Pastoral Centre, the big white building, which is situated where the Priest’s House was, next to the graveyard.

Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina will take place this coming Wednesday the 20th of November at 7.30pm in the new parish pastoral centre. If you would like more information on Lectio Divina please contact Deacon Eddie on 0879867058.

Feast Days

Thursday, 21st November, The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The feast day of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary originated in the East and was included on the General Calendar in the sixteenth century. It celebrates Mary in…
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Thoughts on the Sacraments

Having referred to the three stages of faith formation and in the light of those three stages, questions left to be explored include: how do we go about helping parishioners to deepen their understanding of the faith, and how do…
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Alpha Youth

To all secondary school students aged 12-18 years: We invite you to join the Alpha Youth Programme in the New Midleton Parish Pastoral Centre, starting on 15th January 2025 (for 9 Wednesdays 7 p.m. – 8.15p.m.) The ‘Alpha Youth’ is…
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Quote for the Week

“The symbol of the heart has often been used to express the love of Jesus Christ. Some have questioned whether this symbol is still meaningful today. Yet living as we do in an age of superficiality, rushing frenetically from one…
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Sunday Masses: Church of the Most Holy Rosary: Vigil 6.10pm; Sunday Morning: 8am, 10am and Noon. St. Colman’s Church, Ballintotis: 10.30am Weekday Masses: Monday to Friday 8am and 10am: Saturday 10am Confessions: Saturday, Noon to 1pm in the Adoration Chapel.


Holy Rosary: Saturday 4.30pm and Sunday 1.15pm. On the second Sunday of the month in St. Colman’s, Ballintotis 1.15pm. Contact the Parish Office for details.

Pope’s Intentions for November

For anyone who has lost a child: “We pray that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community and receive peace and consolation from the Holy Spirit.”

Cemetery Prayers

Sunday 10th November in Ballintotis after the 10.30am:Mass and Holy Rosary Cemetery at 3pm; Sunday 17th November in St. Joseph’s at 2.30pm. Ballyspillane at 3.15pm; Sunday 24th November in Churchtown North at 2.30pm and Ballinacurra at 3.00pm and Ballyoughtera at…
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Congratulations to Rev. Sr. Karol O’Connell

All the parish offers congratulations to Rev. Sr. Karol O’Connell, a native of Midleton and past pupil of St. Mary’s High School, who was installed as Abbess of Kylemore Abbey, Connemara on November 5th and we extend our congratulations to…
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