The recent surge in cases of Covid 19 are a cause of serious concern to everyone. Under the present guidelines the number at any Mass should be no more than 50, or subgroups of no more than 50. These subgroups must be 4 metres apart. In order to comply with this guideline, we are dividing the church into two sections, namely the front and back of the centre aisle. To fill those sections evenly, the following arrangements will apply at all weekend Masses from Sunday October 11″:
- Everybody enters by the side door as we are doing at present.
- The first 50 people will be directed to sit in the front section of the centre aisle.
- After that, the next 50 will be directed to the back section of the centre aisle.
- If both sections are full the stewards will inform you we have now reached the recommended limit in both parts of the church.
Each seat in use has three white dots marked on it which are two metres apart. Members of the same household may sit closer together. A household means people living in the same house or apartment.
If you are the first person into a seat please move in to the inside, as otherwise those coming later will have to pass by you to get in.
Communion will be distributed at the front for the front section and at the centre for the back section.
After Mass everyone will leave by the main doors.
The obligation to attend Mass is still suspended until further notice. If you can come to Mass on any day during the week, please do not come on Saturday evening or Sunday morning, as there are some people who can only come to those Masses.
Everybody in the church is asked to wear a face covering for the protection of those around them.
The above arrangements are being put in place to bring us into closer compliance with the public health guidelines and to make our church a safer place for everyone. We thank you for your cooperation.
Monsignor Jim Killeen, PP