Next Sunday, the 22nd, is Mission Sunday. The National Director of ‘Missio Ireland’, part of the Global Network of Pontifical Mission Societies wrote to all parishes and in it he asks us to pray for missionaries living in difficult situations. He highlighted the following: “Fr. Charles Onomhoale, a Nigerian of the Archdiocese of Benin City, was shot dead on the 7th June 2023, only ten months after his ordination. In 2022, 18 missionaries were killed worldwide: 12 priests, 1 religious brother, 3 sisters, 1 seminarian and 1 lay person.” These murders are the ultimate sacrifice for the faith and every mission that faces persecution of any kind can experience different types.of violence with losing one’s life as one of the possibilities. He also included envelopes if you wish to contribute to the mission work being done around the world at this time.