Midleton Parish Mission

Midleton Parish Mission – Sunday October 7th – October 12th

Sunday October 7th
6.40pm: Gathering with Prayers at Ballinacurra Grotto, followed by walk to Holy Rosary Church.
Opening Service 7.30pm in Holy Rosary Church.

Holy Rosary Church, Monday to Friday:
Mass at 7.00am, Mass at 10.00am
Mission Service 7.30pm
All Masses and Mission Services in Holy Rosary Church will be shown on television.
Closing Service on Friday at 7.30pm in Holy Rosary Church

Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Chapel
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Mass at 11.00am.

St. Colman’s Church, Ballintotis
Wednesday and Friday Mass at 9.15am.

Themes of Evening Services
Remembering our dead – Family and Community
Healing of Hurts – Justice – Baptism – God’s Mercy