Saturday Vigil 6.10pm; Sunday 8am, 10am and Noon.
This week Monday 1st November is the feast of All Saints. Mass on Monday is 10.00 & 12.00 with evening Mass at 7.30pm. The obligation to attend Mass is still suspended and does not apply.
Tuesday 2nd November: All Souls Day there is an extra Mass at 7.30pm. The envelopes for the Holy Souls containing the sheet for the names of the deceased you wish to pray for are at the back of the church. They may be returned through the parish office, the sacristy, or any of the priests houses.
Friday is the first Friday of the month, Mass at 7.30pm. Confessions after the 10am Mass on Thursday.
Wednesday to Friday 8am and 10am; Saturday 10am. All Masses are televised on Saorview and streamed on the Internet. Church closes at 6pm from this week.