Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 31st May to 5th June 2024.
Booking Procedure for Pilgrimage:
All bookings should be made through Joe Walsh Tours by telephone 021- 2427190, online http://www.joewalshtours.ie/pilgrimages/group-diocesan-pilgrimages/ or by post to 89 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2, D02WY88. Early booking is advisable. Special Assisted Section: Pilgrims who would like to travel with the Special Assisted Section should apply to: Cloyne Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, c/o Parish Secretary, 27/28 Bank Place, Mallow, Co. Cork. Tel: (022) 20276. This special assisted/sick section is accommodated at the Accueil Notre Dame. Acceptance for travel with the special section for the sick is subject to approval of the Pilgrimage Medical Board. The closing date for receipt of application is 25th March 2024.