Laudato Si’ Week

Laudato Si’ Week, which celebrates the anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis’ encyclical letter ‘Laudato Si’ on “Care for Our Common Home”, is taking place this year from Sunday May 19″ to May 26″. The theme for the week this year is “Seeds of Hope” and calls us all to be those seeds of hope in our lives and in our world, rooted in faith and love. This week invites us to come together as a community to contemplate and nurture seeds of hope for our “suffering planet” (LD 2). Laudato Si’ Week reminds us of the urgent need to care more deeply for our common home and the need for personal and cultural transformation in the midst of ecological crisis.

Trócaire invite you to join them in celebrating this week and they have a number of events which you are welcome to join. Details can be found at: