Ireland’s Annual March for the human right to life is on Saturday July 1st, 2023. Dublin, save the date. Join thousands at the biggest pro-life event of the year – the All-Ireland Rally for Life. Pro-life people from all around the country join together to Stand for Life. We are marching to demand the governments acts on the heartbreaking abortion numbers – 8,500 in 2022 alone. We need to offer women real choices not abortion. As you know, the first review of the Abortion Act is taking place this year and the Rally is a key action in reminding the government and the public of the horrific outcomes of the abortion legislation.
A bus will be travelling from Midleton, on July 1st of July to Dublin, be a voice for the future and join us in this family friendly event. Contact Mona on 087-9771176 or Mimi 087-9350750 to reserve your seat. Can pick up in Carrigtwohill, Youghal, Fermoy, Mitchelstown.