Monday 3rd April: Mass 8am and 10am; Penitential Service, Holy Rosary @ 7.30pm
Tuesday 4th April: Mass 8am and 10am
Wednesday 5th April: Mass 8am and 10am
Easter Triduum
Holy Thursday (6th April) | Holy Rosary Ballintotis | 7.30pm 7.30pm | Mass of the Last Supper Mass of the Last Supper |
Good Friday (7th April) | Holy Rosary Holy Rosary Ballintotis | 3pm 7.30pm 7.30pm | Passion of the Lord Stations of the Cross Passion of the Lord |
Holy Saturday (8th April) | Holy Rosary | 9pm | Easter Vigil |
Easter Sunday (9th April) | Holy Rosary Ballintotis | Masses at 8am, 10am and Noon Mass at 10.30am |
The Penitential Service will be the primary focus in relation to celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Holy Week. There will be other times available as well — details of those will be given next weekend.