Holy Rosary Parish Pastoral Centre

Holy Rosary Parish Pastoral Centre opened on Monday 30th September. All the contents from the Parish Office were brought to the new centre by removal specialists and as per usual with a move to a new place there were a few hiccups here and there but, overall, it was a success and the first meeting to be held in the centre was Monday night at 8pm when the Parish Pastoral Council met. We thank all who have been involved in the project from the very first discussion in the Pastoral Council through to its opening on Monday. There have been various stages along the way, each of which, brought their own tests, but eventually we have arrived at this point. The Centre, please God, will serve the parish well for many years to come and we hope over time, as we get used to the new setting and the new facilities and what is available to us, many people will enjoy expressing and exploring the faith together as we continue the mission to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

A side effect from the development is a gate into the newest part of the graveyard which will be opened for funerals that are going to that side of the graveyard.