There will be a Holy Hour of Adoration on Friday 28th of September, at 7. 30 pm in Holy Rosary Church to pray for the success of our Parish mission which will be commencing on October 7th to Friday the 12th. Please do come along if you are free to pray for this wonderful event in our Parish as we reach out to the community with the Good news of the Gospel. We also encourage you to pray for the success of the mission over the next couple of weeks. Our parish mission prayer is as follows.
Heavenly Father
We ask you to bless us during our parish mission.
Open our hearts to your grace that we may be faithful
in following your way.
Pour out your Holy Spirit on all people living in our parish.
In this year of the family, bless all families in our parish,
especially those experiencing difficulty.
May your love be upon us, O Lord, as we place all our
hope in you.
Our Lady of the Rosary pray for us.