
“History is full of examples of men and women who have become all they were created to be — we call them saints. Some of them were priests, monks or nuns. Some were married and others were single. Some were rich, some were poor. Some were educated; others were uneducated. Some were young and some were old. Holiness is for everyone — no exceptions. Holiness is for you. Every day God invites you to be all he created you to be. Many people falsely believe that if you want to be holy, you are not allowed to enjoy life. Some believe to be holy you have to run away from the world. Others think you have to be in church on your knees praying all day. Still others believe to be holy you have to walk around with a halo, that you’re not allowed to smile, or have fun, or enjoy yourself at all. They think to be holy you have to despise everything of this world and walk around with a long, drawn-out, stoic look on your face.

These are all the very unnatural and unattractive ideas that the world proclaims about holiness. The world ridicules holiness.”

(Pope Francis, on the other hand, speaks of the “Next-Door neighbour” saints!)