Today is the 4th Sunday of Easter, traditionally known as Good Shepherd Sunday. It is also world day of prayer for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. A Holy Hour with prayer for priests, seminarians and priestly vocations is being held in St. Mary’s Church, Mallow this afternoon from 3.00pm to 4.00pm led by Archdeacon Gerard Casey, everyone is warmly invited to this Holy Hour of prayer and reflection on the Lord’s call to priesthood. We are all asked today to pray for vocations and especially vocations for our diocese. Recently the Council of priests of the diocese published an assessment on our celebration of Sunday Mass. The following is taken from that letter: The Eucharist is the “font and apex of the Christian life”; among the many activities of a parish “none is as vital or community forming as the Sunday celebration of The Lord’s Day. The 2nd Vatican Council identified four ways that the Risen Jesus is present to us at Mass: In the assembly that gathers in his name; in the priest or bishop who presides; in the proclamation of the Word; and “especially under the Eucharistic species”. All four ways are needed for an Authentic Celebration of The Eucharist.
The letter focuses on the necessity of bishop or priest to preside. Copies of the letter are available at the back of Holy Rosary, Ballintotis and Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Chapel.