Feast days this week:
Monday 30th November, St. Andrew the Apostle was a disciple of John the Baptist when he was called by Jesus. He in turn brought his brother Peter to Jesus. He died a martyr’s death by crucifixion. Tradition says the cross was x-shaped. Patron saint of Russia, Scotland and fishermen.
Thursday 3rd December, St. Francis Xavier 1506-1559. Was one of the first seven Jesuits and St. Ignatius of Loyola sent him as a missionary to India. He converted many in Goa and later in Japan. He died while trying to enter into China. A patron of the missions.
Friday 4 December, St. John Damascene 675-749 a Syrian Christian theologian. He became a priest in the monastery of St. Sabas near Jerusalem and was a leading figure in the defence of the use of icons for prayer. He is one of the doctors of the Church.