Tuesday, 11th October, Pope St. John XXIII, born in Sotto il Monte (Angelo Roncalli), diocese of Bergamo, 1881, taught in the seminary, was a military chaplain in World War I, served as apostolic delegate in Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece, nuncio in Paris, appointed Patriarch of Venice in 1953. Elected Pope on the 28th October 1958. Called the Second Vatican Council, which began on 11 October 1962. He died 3rd June 1963. St Canice, 527-603. He studied at Clonard and at Glasnevin. A deep friendship developed between himself and Columba, with whom he worked for a time in Scotland. In Ireland his principal foundation was in Aghaboe in Ossory.
Friday, 14th October, Pope St. Callistus I, after a life of slavery and imprisonment for criminal offenses, was freed and became a deacon in charge of catacombs that bear his name. He became Pope in 217. Died at the hands of a mob in 222.
Saturday, 15th October, St. Teresa of Avila, 1515-1582, deeply contemplative, highly active and practical, established Carmelite convents under a reformed rule, and wrote much on prayer and the spiritual life. Patron of lacemakers and headache sufferers.