Monday 26th September, Ss. Cosmas and Damian, early martyrs in Syria, patrons of physicians. They never took money for their medical services.
Tuesday 27th September, St Vincent de Paul. (1580-1660), committed to care of the disadvantaged and the oppressed, founded the Vincentians and the Daughters of Charity (1633), the first sisters to work outside their convents in active service. He is the patron of all charitable works.
Wednesday 28th September, St Wenceslaus, 905-925. Prince of Bohemia, killed by his brother. Patron of brewers. Ss. Lawrence Ruiz and Companions. During the period 1633-37, these sixteen martyrs died for Christ in the city of Nagasaki, Japan.
Thursday 29th September, Ss. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels. Gabriel brought the message to Mary at the Annunciation (patron of telecommunications, radio and Tv workers). Raphael, guide to Tobias (patron of nurses, physicians and the blind). Michael has been venerated as protector of Christians in general and soldiers in particular (patron of radiologists, the sick, paratroopers)
Friday 30th September, St. Jerome, 340-420, translated the Bible into Latin, known as the Vulgate, and wrote commentaries on scripture. Patron of librarians.
Saturday 1st October, St Therese of Lisieux, she died at the Carmel in Lisieux on September 30th, 1897. Declared a doctor of the Church by Pope John Paul II in 1997. Patron of missions, florists, aviators and France.