Monday 25th January, The Conversion of St. Paul: Paul the persecutor was converted into the Paul of the letters, the Paul who preached the power of God at work in the lives of each one of us.
Tuesday 26th, Ss. Timothy and Titus were followers of St. Paul. Tradition is that St. Timothy first bishop of Ephesus and Titus organised the Church in Crete;
Wednesday 27th, St. Angela Merici, (1474-1540), founder of the Ursulines, and devoted herself to Christian education.
Thursday 28th, St. Thomas Aquinas, 13 century Dominican who is considered one of the greatest theologians in the Church. Taught that Christian revelation and human knowledge are aspects of a single truth and cannot be in conflict with one another. Patron saint of schools, universities, students and booksellers.
Saturday 30th, St. Aidan born in Co. Cavan c.550 and died in Ferns in 626. Studied in Wales and founded a monastery at Ferns in Wexford where he became bishop. Known for his generosity and kindness. Bl. Margaret Ball and BI. Francis Taylor, two of the Irish martyrs. Margaret was a imprisoned for teaching Catholicism and hiding priests in her home. Imprisoned in Dublin Castle she died there in the harsh conditions in 1584, and Francis was Mayor of Dublin, and due to his Catholic faith he ended up in prison for seven years and died of the hardships suffered there in 1621.