Monday 13th St. John Chrysostom: 347-407, one of the four great Greek Doctors, ‘the Golden-mouthed’ preacher, was Archbishop of Constantinople. He incurred much opposition and he died in exile. Patron saint of preachers.
Tuesday 14th The Exaltation of the Cross: The discovery of the True Cross is dated to the 14th September 320. On the 13th September 335 the churches on Calvary were dedicated and the cross that St. Helena discovered was venerated there the next day. The annual commemoration of that event has been celebrated since in praise of the redemption won for us by Christ.
Wednesday 15th Our Lady of Sorrows: Mary, standing by the cross, ‘suffered intensely with her only begotten Son and united herself as his Mother to his sacrifice, consenting with love to the offering of the victim who was born of her.’ ( Pope St. Paul VI’s document, ‘Marialis Cultus’, on Mary).
Thursday 16th Ss. Cornelius and Cyprian: St. Cornelius became Pope in 251 and died in exile at Civitavecchia in 253. Patron for cattle and domestic animals. St. Cyprian, 210- 258, bishop of Carthage, preacher and teacher, martyred.
Friday 17th St. Robert Bellarmine: 1542-1621. Jesuit, Cardinal Bishop of Capua, involved in theological controversies of the time. Patron of catechists.