Tuesday 7th March, Ss. Perpetua and Felicity, martyrs. St. Perpetua, a young upper-class married woman and St. Felicity, a slave girl, were martyred in Carthage in 203.
Wednesday 8th March, St. John of God, 1495-1550. He devoted his life to the care of the poor and the sick. He is patron saint of nurses, the sick and heart patients.
Thursday 9th March, St Frances of Rome, died in 1440. Lived a happy married life and founded a society of women with the rule of St. Benedict and became a member of it after her husband’s death.
Saturday 4th March, St. Aengus. A monk in Clonenagh, Co: Louth, he moved to Tallaght for a while under the direction of St. Maelruain. Composed two martyrologies and then returned to Clonenagh, where he became abbot and bishop. Died around 824.