Tuesday 14th February, Ss. Cyril (826-69) and Methodius (815-85), were brothers from Thessalonica in Greece. They preached the gospel in Moravia using their own translation of the scriptures and the liturgy in the local language. These translations into Slavonic were in an alphabet, now called Cyrillic, which they devised. They are honoured as apostles of the Slavic peoples and in 1980, Pope John Paul II declared them Patrons of Europe.
Friday 17th February, Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order. In the early thirteenth century seven young merchants of Florence decided to help one another live more perfect Christian lives. As the result of a vision, they became known as the ‘Servants of Mary’ and followed the Rule of St. Augustine. St Fintan was born in Leinster. He received his religious formation in Terryglass, Co. Tipperary, under the abbot Colum, and was deeply influenced by his penitential practices and the severity of the Rule. Fintan made his own foundation in Clonenagh, Co. Laois. He died in 603.