Monday 6th, Ss. Paul Miki and Companions, martyred at Nagasaki, Japan, in 1597. The six Franciscans, seventeen Franciscan Tertiaries, and three Jesuits died suspended on crosses.
Tuesday 7th, St. Mel, died in 488. He is said to have been a Briton who came to Ireland with Patrick, with whom he worked until he was ordained in Ardagh. He is one of the earliest Irish saints and gave the religious veil to Brigid.
Wednesday 8th, International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking was first observed in 2015 and on the memorial of St Josephine Bakhita (1868-1947), who was a native of Sudan, brought as a slave to Italy where she became a Christian and later entered the Institute of Canossian Daughters of Charity in Venice.
Also on Wednesday 8th, St. Jerome Emiliani, d.1537. After a military career he dedicated his life as a priest to the care of orphans and the poor. Patron saint of orphans.
Friday 10th, St Scholastica, died c.543, sister of St.Benedict. She spent her life as a consecrated virgin. Patron of convulsive children.
Saturday 11th, Our Lady of Lourdes; On this day in 1858, Our Lady first appeared to the 14 y/o Bernadette Soubirous. Later Bernadette was to learn that the mysterious lady was the Blessed Virgin and to hear from her lips, ‘I am the Immaculate Conception’. In 1992 Pope John Paul II instituted the World Day of the Sick to be held on the commemoration of Our Lady of Lourdes. St Gobnait is one of the best loved saints in West Cork. The main part of her life was spent in Ballyvourney where there has always been a deep devotion to her. Her gifts of caring for and curing the sick have been a significant part of her heritage down through the centuries. Her feast day happily coincides with the World Day of the Sick.